
About site Elstav

Now there is a rapid growth in the construction of new buildings which use certain standards, but nevertheless, the quality of the finished sites leaves much to be desired. It is no secret that employers tend to hire more "cheap" labor, but would save on their wages. But at the same time the employer, as in the case of construction - a contractor - saves on the quality of service and final product. Therefore, consumer services such as electrical work, must know all the nuances.
The site will not be able to describe all the nuances, but with him you can understand what types of services can be provided. This site is devoted to electrical operations in general and certain elements in particular. Brief that you can see on the site. First, a description of various types of work on assembling and installation of electrical household and industrial objects. The Articles section you can read interesting records over the terms related to wiring, as well as see a sample price list of works.

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